Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kerja Harian Pengurus

Selain dari menghadiri mesyuarat pengurusan, mesyuarat keselamatan, mesyuarat asset dan harta alih, mesyuarat dengan PTJ2, mesyuarat  persatuan, mesyuarat berkala pengurus-pengurus, seorang pengurus mempunyai tanggung jawab yang mustahak iaitu memastikan kawasan di bawah jagaan nya terkawal. 

Setiap hari pengurus memastikan kawasan hendaklah bersih, rumput di potong, longkang bersih dan jalan disapu supaya kawasan kelihatan cantik dan indah.

 My routine work is to see the surroundings is well -kept clean and tidy. Grasses, drains and roads are clean to ensure a health and safe environment. A report will made if there is any neccessary requirement of the place is needed.
Kawasan tanaman hendaklah bersih , kalau semak hendaklah diambil tindakan supaya rumput rampai dibuang, kalau tidak kawasan akan kelihatan hodoh dan tidak cantik 
Places with full of grasses will reported to person responsible to take action as soon as possible, to ensure the experimental areas /plots are not left abandoned.
Ini adalah pokok Strelitzia alba, adik beradik Bird of Paradise. Bunga nya besar bewarna putih seperti paruh burung, bunga sangat tahan dan unik.

This is Strelitzia alba, a family of Strelitziceae. This plant flowers yearly and its flower is peak-like, big and can withstand on its tree for 2-3 months.
Pengurus juga melihat kesihatan pokok secara dekat sambil diperhatikan mereka yang datang
Sometimes I checked thoroughly the plants to see if there are any malnutrition, diseases or insect attack. From there, I will take action what to do.
Ini adalah pokok Lopenthera atau Golden Chain-bunga nya kuning bergantung panjang berjurai jurai apabila ditiup angin.Pokok ini sangat rajin berbunga. Bunga ini adalah favourite pengurus.
This is my favourite tree plant. I brought it to this place about 5 years ago.It is free flowering plant that flowers all the year round. The  flowers is pendent  yellow like golden chain-unique.

Kawasan landskap di bulatan Mosemen (sempena nama KP MARDI yang pertama).Kawasan ini sentiasa dijaga dan kemas.

The picture above was taken at roundabout Moseman (name after MARDI's DG). This area must always be clean and well managed.

Pengurus menulis artikel-artikel teknikal dan membaca emel setiap hari serta menjawap emel dari dalam dan luar negeri termasuk update blognya.
I used to check my emails everyday and also write technical papers. As a researcher cum manager you are obliged to do so, otherwise your ideas, creativity and innovation will be slowly lost. Most people have computers in their offices (and proud of having one) but could not produce any papers be popular, semi-technical or technical write-ups. Some papers which I have written can be found here and

Pengurus  menggunakan  kenderaan empat pacu roda (four wheel drive) untuk memantau kawasan -kawasan sekitar.Kenderaan ini sangat lasak dan mudah dikendali.
I used to drive 4X4 truck  to monitor and travel around the farms. This truck is very rugged and can go on very tough roads and muddy areas. Those are not used to drive on this makes the body vibrate and trembles..

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